News & Events2023-05-19T16:18:15-05:00

News & Events

On October 18, 2022, the Belonging Task Force welcomed more than 165 business and nonprofit leaders to hear keynote speaker, john a. powell, Director of the Othering and Belonging Institute at University of California, Berkeley, share a keynote address on the imperative of Belonging as it relates to the workplace and the science behind his work on Othering and Belonging.

Given the increasing diversity of our teams, we cannot take a sense of Belonging for granted, and the work being done around Belonging has never been more critical. Purposeful and deliberate cultivation of a sense of Belonging for all, across all differences, is imperative to harness the benefits of Belonging for us as individuals, for highest-performing teams, and for our organizations, businesses, and institutions. Belonging is the top human capital issue employers face today and a sense of Belonging is one of the top five key factors in an employee’s decision to stay with an employer; Social Belonging is a fundamental human need, hardwired into our DNA, yet 40% of people say that they feel isolated at work.

Following a keynote presentation from john a. powell, Mr. Thomas McNamara, Mayor of Rockford, led a panel discussion with area employers who are working to build a culture of Belonging in their workplaces where everyone is seen, heard, and valued. Area employers shared their progress made and lessons learned to help other businesses chart a course to build a culture of Belonging in the workplaces across our community. Panelists included Collins Aerospace, Rockford Park District, Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Rockford Area Habitat for Humanity.

Keynote address, john a. powell (October 18, 2022)

Model employer panel discussion (October 18, 2022)

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